Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Old Testament

I just wanted to congratulate myself that after 7 years of reading every day I have finally finished the old Testament. It took me forever because I went on lots of tangents and read a manuel along with it but it was so worth it. I LOVE the Old Testament. I learned so much. So Congratulations Erin!


Angie said...

horray for erin! congralations on a HUGE accomplishment! and if anyone sees Erin's scriptures, they know how much she has really studied! ajay is now waking me up every morning at 5 to read individually and then together. I feel like i'm back on my mission!

KESLER KREW...Cami said...

Erin - That is pretty amazing to did you do it? I really admire that you could do that.
Awesome - Luv Cam

Shannon & Summer said...

That is awesome Erin! I love this picture too.
I am inpressed that you and the Brown's did that hike/camp with the kiddies!

Emily said...

You are awesome. Shon is teaching the Old Testament this year in Seminary for our ward and we are going to study together. You have helped me get excited about this. Way to go!!! Love and Miss you- Em

Judy said...

Good for you...that really is an accomplishment!

ohana=)mama said...

I'm totally proud of you! When I read this I thought, that would be a good thing to do, so I tried. Ya right that lasted about two days!