I went out to Nauvoo a couple of weeks ago to see my family in the Nauvoo pageant and it was actually amazing. Let me preface by saying this is NOT something my family does naturally or regularly. But my mom has been dying to do it for years and so my dad, Greg and Haylee were all so sweet and did it just for her pretty much. It wasn’t easy either. They practiced VERY long days in VERY hot humid sun for over a week and then did shows every night. Even my mom wasn’t too stoked about it at times. But somehow it was all worth it. I don’t know how to explain it but there is a spirit there I can’t describe. And seeing my family do it, is so incredibly touching to me. The very first night I was just touched by the spirit of the pioneers, their sacrifices and all they did, how it relates to us and how we relate to them because we all experience hardships and how we can learn from the way they handled their hardships. It is a beautiful pageant. I laughed seeing my family. My dad’s huge grin as he dances and his arms up in the air and big tall hat, how he stands out. My mom nodding her head and smiling with her arms around other women at the enactment of the Relief Society organization. She and my dad dancing together. Dancing! Haylee’s huge beautiful smile and she and Greg dancing together. And Greg, up there acting and doing his part and smiling and just being Greg- with a big huge hat on and overalls and a funny tie. I seriously laughed and laughed and yet there was something about it touching to me that I didn’t put my finger on until the following night and then it hit me so strongly I couldn’t hold back tears the entire night. Watching my family interact together was like I was watching them in their lives. I saw their strengths- Haylee’s infectious smile and incredible sweetness, Greg’s quiet strength- his arms around my family, his willingness and perception of other people’s needs. My mom’s innocent goodness and my dad’s hilariousness and just simple, good heart as he dances around sort of awkwardly beautiful. I saw them from a distance and I watched them enact scenes from a families life, our families life- my parents going through the temple and then joining Haylee and Greg in a circle, hugging. Greg with his arms around everyone. Haylee sweet and just so beautiful. My mom and dad’s strengths through trials- just like the pioneers. I was so touched. My family was enacting struggles and joys of pioneer life, and yet in it I saw our own trials, our own joys, our own strengths, and our own journey. I was able to take a step back and look at the journey my family is taking almost from God’s perspective- from an eternal perspective. I heard the Spirit whisper that things will be okay, that this is all a part of the journey in our family and that as we learn to come together, forgive and love each other we are purified in the very process and that is how we complete our journey. It’s so hard to explain how I felt but it was so significant to me. So beautiful I was like an outsider looking in and seeing how a family grows and is refined. It was really beautiful for me.